Sunday, 18 September 2011

My life in pictures

In this post I'm going to take you on a visual tour of my neighbourhood through the magic of pictures. Aren't you excited?? So the first stop is right outside my humble abode.
So this is my apartment block. I live on the second floor. I live upstairs from you. I think you've seen me before...wait, that's not right...
So now, we turn right and continue down the street for about 10 seconds. Next stop is...

The fun-sized police station right down the street. If any of you were worried in case I'd get stolen, well never fear!
But if we look closely at the sign above the door...
We see a cartoon dog dressed as a police man . . .very reassuring.
Take another right and continue walking down the street until you come to . . .
My sister's apartment! It's about 90 seconds from my place. I go there to help her eat her food.
This is the street that takes you towards the centre of town.

Five minutes walking and you come to . . .

McDonald's! It looks much nicer lit up at night.
 Across the street is this lovely sight . . .

They light up the waterfall and it changes colour every few minutes.

  Like this!

Ain't it pretty?

Across the way is the best street in the neighbourhood.

It's called "Babbo Sagaree" which means Idiot Street :D

It looks pretty dead here on a Sunday morning, but these streets were jam-packed the night before.

This is where all the cool uni kids come to shop, drink coffee and party.

It's also full of cool little clothes shops and hidden gems.

Like this Big Red Fun Bus full of cool clothes.

These are the shoes I've been lusting after for a while...

Hello new friends . . .

And at the end of the street is the university!

The pride of Ulsan.

To finish off . . .

This is my cute little furball Princess Pipsqueak. I rescued her (so she's like a princess) and she's really tiny (like a pipsqueak.) You can call her Pip.

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